With the transforming climate, challenges involving operational knowledge and solutions toward aspects of climate, security, geopolitics, economics and resilience-related developments throughout the region continue to represent the critical categories of knowledge requirements needed to help manage issues at all levels of governments and societies.
Our ARCTIC SECURITY concentration offered in the Masters of Security and Disaster Management graduate degree allows you to gain an understanding of national strategies and interests of the Arctic states as well as non-Arctic states and actors. Understanding the primary Arctic-related national security agencies (diplomacy and defense) and priority interests helps form the foundation of understanding other aspects of Arctic security as well as the role it plays in international relations and regional dynamics.
Our CLIMATE SECURITY concentration of the Master of Security and Disaster Management will help you understand how changes in climate are rapidly transforming the security landscape at the individual, community, national, and international levels, and to develop skills to better address the challenges it poses for disaster, security, and risk management.
Looking for a certificate program? UAF also offers a graduate certificate in Arctic Security. This certificate is best for students looking to expand their general education with a deeper understanding of the transforming Arctic.